Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am a HORRIBLE blogger

This is probably because I have class everyday except Friday, Hailey has therapy everyday except Wednesdays and Friday's and I work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have a test in anatomy every Thursday and homework in that class every Tuesday. I am a little busy lately.

Hailey is learning to walk now, which I'm VERY happy about. She finally started crawling on all fours about 3 months ago maybe. Her PT is getting her some orthodicts (sp) and hopefully that will help her a lot. She still refuses to feed herself but one thing at a time right? She has learned the sign for baby and does it every time someone says "Aww" "love" or "baby". She hugs her dolls now too, which makes me happy, because she is showing that she understands some abstract concepts. My baby is so smart, I just wish everyone could see this about all people with DS.

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